Custom Stove Designs
Below are some custom designs. Each of these has several elements that individual customers wanted.
The One and a Half barrel stove with a flat top
I received an email from a gentleman stating that his father loved my stoves, but wasn't sure if I could help. Evidently he wanted a very specific design. I offered for them to come by my shop and we would talk over his needs. From a drawing they produced and a bit of interpretation on my part, the result is as you see here. A full barrel stove base with a half barrel top as a heat exchanger. The set on flat top was placed because he wanted to be able to have both a "pot of beans and a pot of water" going in his shop. High legs and an upper drum clean out (not pictured) rounded out the ultimate design.
A Double Barrel Stove with dual mid stacks and a center upper pipe collar
Smoke and gas flow are crucial in a double barrel stove. Most of the time the pipe collar is to the front of the upper barrel to take allowance for the proper venting and flow. This customer did not have the room for the piping in his shop. We were able to save almost 2 feet of depth by adding another mid stack and bringing the collar to the center of the upper barrel. This way the full barrel was still able to be used for heat exchange. This version also has a heat exchanger tube through the upper drum.
The "Manly" stove
I am very proud of the fact we can give to the community. It is important to me that we do this. To this end, we donated a stove to our High School for their local charity auction. My business manager, when I asked her which model we should give, said "Make it a 'Manly' version". This creation is a Single Barrel with an inset diamond plate flat top and high legs. Because diamond plate is "Manly" right?